A Feature on the Podcast “Dissonance Makes Sense”

I was approached in December by a woman in Germany doing some preliminary scouting for her podcast titled, “Dissonance Makes Sense”. The founder, Eliza, had googled “Belonging blog” in a search for more on the topic of belonging. I was thoroughly surprised, but pleased that Google had plugged me in as the first search result.Continue reading “A Feature on the Podcast “Dissonance Makes Sense””

stolen from the reality you’re living: thoughts on imposter syndrome, pressure, and being present

Around holiday times, I take extra time to consider my adoption story. The day of my adoption is in December, along with holidays, it brings different thoughts and feelings considering family.

Korea Notes – Post

After spending two and a half years in Seoul – nearly entirely during covid times, I just missed home. Travel quarantine and restrictions had barred any travel I had planned to do as well as friends from coming to visit. I missed my family and friends, and the overall familiarity of what I had back in Minnesota.

Korea Notes: 1 Year 3 Months

I checked into my second therapy session and my therapist smiled at me through her mask. Whenever I go to a talk therapy meeting I laugh to myself because there’s that small-talk hurdle I sort of tumble over before spilling how my last chunk of time has been since seeing my listener.

Not giving a damn leads to self love: Lessons from a recovering perfectionist

Creators, producers, believers, makers, and do-ers are all at risk of being cutthroat perfectionists. Which means pretty much everyone. There’s varying degrees of perfectionism, as well. From the “remake 70 drafts because the detail in the corner is off even though you’re the only one that’ll see it” type to the “now I’m gonna goContinue reading “Not giving a damn leads to self love: Lessons from a recovering perfectionist”

Korea Notes: Year 2 – updates!

I vowed to not work a single Saturday as an English teacher this year. It’s pretty common for English hagwons here to have grueling hours that squeeze their teachers for all their worth. I’m pretty serious about leaving work at work and not letting it haunt me when I clock out. So leaving my SaturdaysContinue reading “Korea Notes: Year 2 – updates!”

Korea Notes: Arrival (airplane) Day

Airplane Day is the day my flight from South Korea landed in America from 25 years ago. Some people call it an Arrival Day or a “Gotcha” Day. Quite plainly, it’s the day that your family “gotcha.” Either way, it’s seemed a little comical to me over the years. I always believed that I hadContinue reading “Korea Notes: Arrival (airplane) Day”

Korea Notes: out of control, into growth

I don’t have control issues.do I have control issues? No, no.I mean, I don’t think I have control issues.Do I? The inevitable truth is that, yes my relationship with control in my life causes problems. On my artist palette, there’s some blend between control, anxiety, and isolation that manages to splatter onto my daily canvasContinue reading “Korea Notes: out of control, into growth”

Korea notes: home

The concept of “Home” eludes us. When I think about belonging somewhere, I immediately think about the question “Where is Home for me?” Where is home for me? For a lot of people, “Home is where the heart is” rings true. If that’s the case, then I have a LOT of homes. It’s like homeContinue reading “Korea notes: home”